
Movie hidden numbers
Movie hidden numbers

movie hidden numbers movie hidden numbers

Henson (Katherine Johnson) and Janelle Monáe (Mary Jackson), for your incredible talent that honored the legacy of all of our great female scientists, mathematicians, scientists and engineers past, present and future. Thank you to whoever green lighted this project and to the scholarly-actors Octavia Spencer (Dorothy Vaughan), Taraji P. Thank you Master Mathematicians Katharine Johnson, Dorthy Vaughan and Mathematician and Aerospace Engineer -Scientist Mary Jackson and your families for all of your/their sacrifice, contribution and scholarship. Thank you author Margot Lee Shetterly for writing about the every day, normal genius that existed within your immediate community. Much to the dismay, regression and heartbreak of the world, the inferiority lie told about girls, women and people of color has long been allowed to peregrinate as testosterone truth. For this we all suffer. And he could do numbers faster than you could bat your eye." I add this fact so that the general community of genius from which Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson derive is not viewed as an anomaly. Katherine Johnson's father, who only attended school until the sixth (6th) grade, was as she would trumpet, "one of the smartest men I ever saw. We have to see what she becomes." However, in real life, Katherine Johnson comes from a family of great mathematical thinkers. "I have never seen a mind like the one your daughter possesses. Thank goodness Master Mathematicians Katharine Johnson, Dorthy Vaughan and Mathematician and Aerospace Engineer Mary Jackson existed in the United States of America and were "given" the opportunity to save the United States' Space Program.Īnd while Hollywood has done their story justice in an attempt to imbue the public's mind with historical non-fiction, it is worth noting that in the film, Katherine Johnson's elementary school teacher is shown espousing her brilliance as the camera pans looks of shock on her parent's faces. What was needed was "a MATHEMATICIAN that " could "look beyond the numbers." To create " MATH that doesn't yet, EXIST." The genius of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson was highly valued and sorely needed as the USA raced the Russians to put a man on the moon. These three (3) women, along with an army of "colored and white female computers" (using the parlance of the day), were the mountains that moved through tyranny, oppression, segregation, sexism, Jim Crow/ apartheid laws and contempt to do what some may view as unimaginable: to plot the trajectory to the moon and to create math that doesn't yet exist. Enter Master Mathematicians Katharine Johnson, shown above working at NASA in the 1960s, Dorothy Vaughan and Mathematician and Aerospace Engineer-Scientist Mary Jackson.

Movie hidden numbers